Yoga transforms your professional life just like Digitization transforms your Organization

Written By – Priyadarshini Amaresh







Improves Body Posture

We habitually sit for long hours slouching over the desk and unknowingly stretch our neck forward as we work on the computer. This posture is considered unhealthy and usually leads to discomforts like back pain, neck strain, and shoulder stiffness which in return affect the productivity and focus.

#crystalinfosystemsandservices suggests yoga for all its employees to relieve this pain through movements and stretches.  We also conduct yoga lessons frequently at our premises to guide our employees and teach them the importance of yoga to reduce stress and body rigidity.

Improves Energy and Reduces Fatigue

We all work non-stop throughout the day and are bound to feel low in energy by the end of the day. It is proven that yoga for 30 minutes a day regenerates and promotes blood circulation which is crucial for boosting energy. Simple Yoga stretches can be practiced within your work station at regular intervals to achieve the best benefits.

Improves Concentration

Hectic deadlines, challenging workload and endless meetings create a mental clutter which leads to poor concentration and focus while making intelligent decisions. At such situations Yoga and meditation along with breathing exercises are the only resort to silence the noise in the mind. Improvised blood circulation to the body and brain helps us perform efficiently.

Promotes Team Spirit

Stressed employees are likely to disrupt peace at workplace. We at #crystalinfosystemsandservices take special care towards such employees and try to figure out the root cause for their aggressive behaviour. Hostile employees tend to demotivate the entire team. Yoga for such employees keeps their temperament mellow makes the workplace harmonious and collaborative.

Yoga is Good for Business too

Yoga helps to create healthy, positive and motivated employees who are productive for the company. We encourage employees to take 10 minutes yoga break during work hours which includes simple yoga stretches or breathing exercises at their desk itself or out in the fresh open air. This is the secret behind having the most cheerful, energetic, focused team at Crystal Infosystems and Services.

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