Digitization of documents and V2docs


Written by – Priya Amaresh 

Crystal Infosystems and Services             

In today’s “Digital Era”, Digitization of Documents has become a must and should. The working environment today requires documents to be digitized as physical papers have their own set of demerits. Digitized documents can be accessed by multiple individuals at the same time from different parts of the world and hence saves time and money. V2docs is a dedicated Document Management System developed by Crystal Infosytems and Services, which allows users to store and secure their digitized data and information.


V2 docs facilitates the companies to handle their digitized documents in a very systematic manner. With the help of V2docs PCM and ECM, a user or an organization respectively can store all their files and documents online with the utmost security available.


How to get started with V2docs ?


Step 1  Physical documents are scanned and converted into a digital format which are known as “Digitized Documents”


Step 2 – The digital documents are uploaded into V2docs


Step 3 – The documents should be segregated in their respective stacks and racks for easy retrieval.


Step 4 –  The users should be given access to the information in the case of V2docs ECM.


Step 5 – The person who has the permission to access the data has the authority to search and retrieve the digitized documents.


Step 6 – Email notifications will be sent on a regular basis to the user if any document needs to be Added, Edited or Deleted. Hence, V2docs keeps a track of the modifications made.


Benefits of using V2docs


  • Collaboration: The users across the organization can view, edit and download files, enabling collaboration at work to achieve the tasks.


  • Workflow:This feature is one of the most important feature of V2docs, as it eases getting approvals from the assigned users mostly senior managers for the necessary documentations.


  • Digital signature:Digital Signature gives a scope to sign the documents digitally without the need of pen and paper. This also helps to share documents online thereby cutting logistics costs.


  • Versioning: V2docs records and saves Multiple versions of the documents.  It creates a new document version every time a user modifies a file.


  • Reports:Several reports can be generated by using V2docs  pertaining to Audit Trail,  Metadata & Permissions.


Hence to conclude, we can say that DIGITIZATION helps organizations to increase Business Process efficiency at work.

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